One such new friend... the fine folks from Puterbaugh Frams, aka, they were getting ready to clean up from the event and had this beautiful bale of 25lbs of Willamette Leaf Hops that was looking for a home.

Well as President of Brew Free or Die, I couldn't let said hops go to waste... so I offered my assistance and the promise of a plug (pun intended) or two... so club... here ya go... we have some, ok quite a bit, of hops that can be used for All English-style Ales, and US Pale and Brown Ales. My plan is to bring the bale of hops to the May meeting for distribution to the club. ... BRING baggies, lots of BAGGIES. Kurt Demmer and I get first crack... but the rest is open to the club members.
The hops have been bagged, and placed into my hop freezer, yes my hop freezer is as full as it's ever been.
Thank you Puterbaugh Farms, I really appreciate your generousity!