Thursday, October 30, 2008

3rd New England Regional Homebrew Competition

I would like to thank all the sponsors, entrants, and staff for the tremendous support that was
given to the 3rd Annual New England Regional Homebrew Competition, which took place on October 25th 2008, in Acton Maine.

We had 290 entries in the competition, up from 250 the previous year. Over 100 homebrewers had submitted entries, from as many as 19 states. The competition is still tallying up how much money was raised for The American Cancer Society, and The Good Shepard Foodbank of Maine.

Complete list of winners can be found here

Best of Show was won by Alastair Hewitt, who provided the following recipe for his dry stout.

Stout Lite All-grain
OG 1.035
FG 1.011
IBU 39
ABV 3.10 %
SRM 36
BJCP Style
16A. Stout, Dry Stout
A low alcohol stout, stating at bottom of OG range and ending at top of FG range.

Recipe Details
Tasting Notes Low gravity fermentation is very clean, so drinkable after one week.
Awards BOS winner - 3rd Annual New England Regional Homebrew Competition
Boil Volume 8.00 gallons
Boil Time 90 minutes
Batch Size 7.00 gallons
Yeast Wyeast 1056 (75% app. attenuation)
Primary Fermentation Glass, 5 days @ 68F
Secondary Fermentation none
Other Fermentation
Procedure Single step infusion mash, 75 mins @ 152F. Split batch and add 12oz of lactose to one half for a sweet stout (FG 1.018)

Style Comparison

OG 1.035 1.035 1.050
FG 1.007 1.011 1.011
IBU 30 39 50
36 35+
ABV 3.2 3.10 5.5
% Weight Weight (lbs) Grain Note Gravity Points Color
75.7 % 7.00 American Two-row Pale
27.8 1.8
13.5 % 1.25 British Roasted Barley
3.9 575.0
10.8 % 1.00 Flaked Barley
3.4 2.2


% Wt Weight (oz) Hop Note Form AA% AAU Boil Time Utilization IBU
50.0 % 1.00 First Gold
Pellet 6.9 6.9 90 0.323 23.8
25.0 % 0.50 Willamette
Pellet 5.8 2.9 90 0.323 10.0
25.0 % 0.50 Willamette
Pellet 5.8 2.9 15 0.150 4.6


Miscellaneous Ingredients
Weight/Units Name Notes
1 tsp Calcium Carbonate Start of boil
1 tsp Irish Moss Last 15 mins

European Amber Lager Club-Only Competition

It's autumn and the leaves are all over the ground. That means it's time for our third and final Club-Only Competition of 2008. We are going to be judging entries from BJCP Category 3 (European Amber Lager) under the 2004 Style Guidelines. So bring a Vienna Lager or an Oktoberfest for judging in Novembeer/Decembeer. We will not hold the judging as originally planned on November 21, but will move the date so as not to conflict with the meeting or clash with your Thanksgiving plans.

The same competition rules apply as always:

The beer must be ready to drink by the Novembeer 2008 BFD meeting at Todd and Mary Russell's house. It must be labelled with the brewer’s name and submitted in one of the following containers: 2 12 oz. bottles, 1 22 oz. bottle, or 1 container with at least 22 ounces of beer (i.e. growler, plastic soda bottle, etc.).

Contact any of the members of the Competition Committee (Todd, Phil, Billy K., Bill R. or Mary) if you have any questions.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Electing Club Officers for 2009

At the October business meeting it was suggested that club members who won't be at the holiday party should be allowed to vote for officers via email. There were good arguments made on both sides of this question, and it was left that I (as current President) would look at the bylaws and set a procedure for this year's election based on what I found. Here are the parts of the BFD bylaws that seemed to me to be relevant to this question:

Section II-4 - Rights and Liability of Members Each regular member of the club shall have the right to vote on club matters provided they are in attendance during a regularly scheduled BFD Business meeting.

Section III-3 - Election Dates Regular elections are held annually with nominations at the December meeting. Voting will be held at the last meeting of the year and the new officers take office on January 1st. Special elections may be held as determined by the majority vote of the club officers.

By my reading of the bylaws email voting for officers (or anything else) is not allowed because the right of members to vote is dependant upon their attendance at a regularly scheduled BFD business meeting (II-4) and officers are to be nominated at the December meeting (III-3).

As was discussed at the October meeting, in order to have time for people to know all the nominees for office and vote via email before the December meeting nominations would have to be closed before that meeting and the bylaws require the nominations to be made then. In practice, I see no reason why nominations cannot be made before December (at the October or November meetings) and then made official at the December meeting.

To change the way the elections are held will require changing the bylaws. These bylaws were revised a few years ago with LOTS of discussion and input from the members of the club. I don't think they should be revised without careful consideration and adequate time for members to discuss the changes being made - as required by the bylaws:

Section IX-2 - Procedure for Changes Any regular member may make a motion for a change in the bylaws at any regularly scheduled monthly business meeting. When changes are suggested, the petition must be presented in writing. The vote on this motion will be at the next regularly scheduled monthly business meeting. The officers of the club will make every reasonable attempt to notify all regular members of the impending vote within ten days prior to the vote, but they are under no obligation to do so. Failure to notify the membership does not negate the scheduled vote. A vote of the majority of the regular members in attendance is required to approve a change in the existing bylaws.

So, officers for 2009 will be voted on at the Business Meeting held in connection with the holiday party which will be at the Fairbrother's (in Londonderry) on December 13, 2008. The bylaws do not specify who will run the elections. In the past the Treasurer has done so, but this year the President will run the election because our current Treasurer is running for office and I am not.

Nominations for office (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary) will be open until I close them so that voting can begin during the December meeting. Nominations must be made at a business meeting because they require a second by another member. If you want to make a nomination and cannot attend the November or December meeting you can email the Vice President (who checks his email more often than I do) and he will bring your nomination forward at a meeting. If it receives a second at the meeting it will be considered a valid nomination.