Saturday, March 21, 2009

New Style: Gluten Free Beer

Commerical Gluten Free Beer

The most common Gluten Free (GF) beers available domestically are extract-based using Sorghum. I've included a picture of some of the bottles.

The plan as discussed at the March meeting is to develop a new style for the BJCP Style Guidelines. However, first I would like to characterize some of the commerically available brands with the help of the club members. I will be posting progress on this blog under the topic "Gluten Free Beer".

As an example a new category could be:

XX. Gluten Free Beer.

XXa. American Sorghum Ale GF.

Commerical examples:

AB Redbridge, Bards, New Grist

XXb. Belgium Sorghum GF.

Commerical examples:


XXc. Light Ale GF.

Commerical examples:

La Messagier

During one of our meetings I will also give a presentation on ingredients that are acceptable for Gluten Free beer. Hopefully I can also set up a tasting.

Please feel free to comment.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Patriot Homebrew Competition and the winner is???

David Rosenbaum, a very active club member who has previously been vice president of Brew Free or Die, and is currently its acting webmaster, and secretary... has just won the 2008/9 Patriot Homebrew Competition!!!

This competition had over 170 entries from all over New England.

David has been a season pass holder for the New England Patriots for as long as I have known him, here he's in the background at 2007/8 competition, in the #80 jersey.

I can't imagine what it's going to be like to have a beer that you created and brewed at home, be made commercially and have on draft while you are watching the game, but I have to imagine it's going to be incredible. I would also imagine getting to work with the brewers at Samuel Adams is also going to be a blast.

So congratulations David!

Michael Fairbrother