Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's all about da mead

Being as passionate about mead as I am about beer, I flew out to judge at the International Mead Festival Home Mead Makers Competition that was held on February 9th in Boulder Colorado. This event attracts a large number of professional judges as well as other very dedicated mead fanatics from across the entire United States and Canada.

While the purpose of the trip was mead related, I did get a chance to go to Avery Brewing Company. I wasn't able to tour the brewery, but was able to go its hospitality suite and enjoy the wonderful beers. My favorite was the "Collaboration not Litigation" ale that was "secretly" on draft, helps to be a beer geek who knows how to ask the right kind of questions. Ended up with a couple of bottles, of batch #2, which aren't officially on sale yet.

After enjoying as much beer as I liked, I was off to check into the hotel room. Where I got to meet some peers in the industry. While Moonlight Meadery is officially, I still have quite a long road ahead of me before we are in production.

Friday night was filled with various seminars, and an abundance of wonderful commercial meads. Jet lag won over and I went to bed fairly early, missed getting to hear Ken Schramm get to talk.

Saturday morning... woke up before dawn, and hit the gym, it was going to be a big day of judging, was planning on evaluating 16 meads over the course of the day... little did I know what the organizers had in mind for me.

Had a big breakfast, and was ready to start judging. I was asked to head one of the three tables of judges who were doing dry meads. One we finished our flight of eight, I was asked to sit on the mini-bos table. All the meads were very well done, the faults were little things like the mead might have been too sweet for style, etc.

Lunch was a nice collection of sandwiches and cookies. I grabbed a Fat Tire on draft.... hmm one of my favorite beers.

After lunch I was tasked with the open category of meads, again I was asked to head the judging, of a flight of 8 meads. We had a range of dry, semi-dry, and sweet meads to evaluate. Again I was asked to judge the 10 more meads in the mini-bos with other great judges like Curt Stock, Petar Bakulic, and Julia Herz.

Now I am thinking with 34 meads under my belt and a beer... the day must be done...

I was asked to be on the BOS (Best of Show) table for the entire competition, an incredible honor, and reward! As the meads at this level are the best of the best! The BOS table consisted of 5 judges, and our job was to pick the best out of the 10 meads.

So I ended up evaluating 44 meads over the course of the day, it was a ton of fun.

Here's the results:

2008 International Mead Festival

Home Mead Maker Competition Results

188 Total Entries

Table 1 - 241 - Dry Mead (19 Entries)

Joshua Archer Traditional Dry - 1 1
Joshua Archer Traditional Dry - 2 2
Joshua Archer Traditional Dry - 3 3

Table 2 - 242 - Semi-Sweet Mead (14 Entries)

Jonathan Jordan
Straight Nyssa Hogtown Brewers 1
Mark Healey Moose Pond Mead Southern Maine Homebrewers 2
Rick Reilly, Ron Stroh Prairie Homebrewing Companions 3

Table 3 - 243 - Sweet Mead (14 Entries)

Rick Spaziani
Liquid Gold 1
Michelle Moyer, James Moyer Admiral's Gold 2
Edward Walkowski 2006 Orange Blossom Mead 3

Table 4 - 251 - Melomel - Cyser (11 Entries)

Christopher St. Mary
Son of Circum-Cyser Sultans Of Swig 1
Michelle & James Moyer Captain Pete's Farewell Kiss 2
Todd Leatherman Super Cyser 3

Table 5 - 252 - Melomel - Pyment (15 Entries)

Kim Herald
Northern Lights GotMead International Brewmasters 1
Steve Fletty Chateau Fletty Gewurtztraminer St Paul Homebrewers Club 2
Mitchell Omichinski Valient 3

Table 6 - 253 - Melomel - Other Fruit (24 Entries)

Ron Kloth
Watermelon Arizona Society Of Homebrewers 1
John Miller Favored Concubine 2
Curt & Kathy Stock
Cherry Bliss St Paul Homebrewers Club 3

Table 7 - 254 - Melomel - Berry (22 Entries)

Daniel Hempy Strawberry Melomel Brewcommune 1

John Charlesworth, Mark Parsch, Thad Williams

Rick Reilly, Ron Stroh Prairie Homebrewing Companions 3

Table 8 - 261 - Metheglin (23 Entries)

Don Larsen, Bernie Ashe
Smoked Chili Mead 1
Mitchell Omichinski Prairie Dew 2
Steve Fletty El Diablo Saint Paul Homebrewers Club 3

Table 9 - 262 - Braggot (14 Entries)

James Sites
Cerveza de los Muertes 1
Kurt Bormann Brown Maggot Braggot 2
Sheron Rowland, Pamela McAlpin 2 Old Broads Old Ale Braggot GotMead International Brewmasters 3

Table 10 - 263 - Open Category Mead (32 Entries)

Rick Spaziani
Agave Gold 1
Edward Silverman Matt's Memorial Mead 2
Wayne Boncyk Christmas Spice GotMead International Brewmasters 3

2008 Best of Show

Don Larsen & Bernie Ashe

Smoked Chili Mead

Congratulations to Don and Bernie!


Rick Spaziani

Agave Gold

Another fine Mead!

Special Awards

Best Name Son of Circum-Cyser - Christopher St. Mary
Farthest Entry Stepanie Krieger - Hawaii
Best Packaging Nedra Headen - Foam wrap "Mummy" Madness

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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lolikneri havaqatsu